Thursday, 11 June 2009

Logical Frame work Analysis

Logical Framework Analysis

Logical framework an effective tool in the development sector. It is a part of project proposal. LFA gives a clear picture and understanding of a project. It includes goal, purpose, activity with clearly defined objectively verifiable indicator, means of verification and assumptions of a project. LFA plays a critical role in capturing the attention of a donor.

Module Description

The LFA is an analytical tool which helps planners analyzes existing situations through activities given in the framework. It is helps to identify risks in projects. If a project is related to agriculture, drought may be the risk for a project which is controlled by external factors. The LFA shows logical hierarchy between activities, output, purpose and goal of a project.

The logical frameworks include objectives (goal, purpose, outputs and activities), Indicators, verifications and assumptions. Goal, it is a result of a project contributing in to large way, if project is poverty eradication goal can be poverty eradication in Karnataka or India. Purposes are effect of a project, if project is related to HIV/AIDS reduction of stigma discrimination is effect of the project. Outputs are expected results of a project. Activities are tasks achieve project outputs. Objectively verifiable indicators measure the purposes, outputs and activities in logical framework. Means verifications include data to assess the project progress. Assumptions are threats to the project can’t control by an organization.

Key Points

A problem tree is the first step to form a logical framework. Problem trees are useful in identifying root cause of the problem of an issue. Objective is the next step before going to LFA. In objective tree solutions can be framed for causes of the problem tree.

Objectively verifiable indicators should be SMART or specific, available, relevant and timely. If training is one of the activities of a project; measurable indicators should include which target group (specific), how many will be trained (measurable), all data of training are easily accessible (available), activity needed for project (relevant) and time limit of training (timely). Same way means of the verification includes data of a particular activity. If training is the activity of a project; documents of training center, training schedule, attendance of the participants and minutes of training are the means of verifications.

What I Learnt

I learnt LFA can be developed meaningfully by constructing the problem tree and objective tree. Though I have been working in development sector since from two years, merely I have seen logical frame work but in this module I learned how to develop logical framework. I also framed an LFA on “To Improve the Socio-economic Condition of Sexual Minorities”

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